There are two kinds of people in this world: those who love talking about movies and those who don't. Fortunately (or perhaps, unfortunately for those who know me) I happen to belong to the former camp. I love film. I love watching them and talking about them and writing about them. I'm a cineaste, a cinephile, a film nerd, a wittertainee, a wannabe critic, a film fantatic. I've also got quite the gob on me, as you've no doubt already noticed...

But rather unfortunately, I've found no effective platform to discuss film. There's only so much Twitter (with its nagging word count) or friends (with their need to be doing things other than discussing films) can scratch that itch, that yearning to pick apart and overanalyse, to rant and besmirch, to devour every last frame of a film until you've got your fix, your urge for good healthy film conversation has been fulfilled.

That's rather where you come in.

Or indeed, that's where this blog comes in.

What better way for me to get my raging opinions off my chest, to keep track of all the films I've seen in the year and to go over all the points I can't squeeze into a conversation of tweet? Here, I'll be reviewing every film I see in UK cinemas, as well as old releases which I'll be endeavouring to catch up with on Netflix, DVD and the like. It's something I've always wanted to do, a mountain I've always wanted tot climb. I've always had a bringing desire to write my own reviews, but have constantly been put off, not only by how hard they seem to write (I can only apologise unreservedly for how poor/pretentious my initial posts will be) but also by how non-committal I am. Much like writing a diary, I've always had the fear that I'll start something like this with good intentions and give up after two or three posts. But that won't happen here. Or at least, I can convince myself for now that it won't...

Sure there will be times when I don't visit the theatre as often as I'd like or there will be films I just don't have much to say about (I can name oodles of films that are so drab I really can't muster anything to say about them...) but that's just LIFE really isn't it? Things will get in the way. Promises will be broken. I may even get so far down the line and decide I'm just not any good at film reviewing. But only time will tell. Maybe I won't even stick to film reviews. I can see myself dipping my toes into the waters of television or Netflix series' every now and then (I'm looking at you Westworld) and I do very much like the prospect of just using this as a platform to discuss cinema and film criticism in general, Kermode Uncut style. Again, time will most certainly tell.

So this is it. My attempt to become the next Barry Norman. I'm really quite exited. Who knows, maybe some day someone may even decide to start reading this little blog of mine ... but lets not get head of ourselves here. I suppose ultimately what this all boils down to is the constant sense that I do love cinema with every fibre of my incredibly lanky being, and when you're so passionate about something you want to share it with as many people as you possibly can. That, and the fact that I always feel like I should be doing something more with life. So hell. If I think I've got what it takes to review films then I'll darn diddley, bet your bottom dollar, sure as shooting set up a rambly blog dedicated to film reviews. You're only on this earth once. Blink and you'll miss it. And I really don't want to let all this knowledge constrained to my mad old head alone! Catharsis, I'm sure, will come with emptying it out into the bloggersphere.

In the end, it's time to get busy reviewing, or get busy dying.

Or something along those lines.


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